World Class Capabilities
OE Manufacturing and Quality Processes
Compressor and Turbine Mapping on Kratzer Stands
Hot Gas Stand Durability Benchmarking

Our turbocharger assemblies are designed for a global market, with over 500 applications spanning passenger, diesel, industrial, and agricultural sectors in North America, Asia, and Europe
Designed with remanufacturers and repair shops in mind, our turbocharger cartridges provide a hassle-free solution, ensuring a smooth, efficient process for your customer

Discover our Turbocharger Repair Kits, offering both stock replacement and performance upgrade options, with the flexibility to customize components to meet your specific needs
Leverage our exhaustive turbocharger component lineup, from housings to wheels, bearings, seals, rings, actuators, VNT/VGT systems - every item you need to build your product

Quality Guaranteed by OE Processes